drawings, design and flash-animation by BILDERFINDER
Was ist DTP, Lernziele
14 KB,
ArtShow Tango, Gemäldegallerie/picture gallery
67 KB,
Kranführer-Handsignale/cranehand signals,
120 KB,
Bierspiel/beergame, 54 KB, >>start
Spiel/game: Insect.Slot, 8 KB, >>start
Intro (Werbung/Advertising), 24 KB, >>start
Kasper, 24 KB, >>start
euro start 2002, 70 KB, >>start
christmas greetings, 32 KB, >>start
clipart printer - print out BILDERFINDER-graphics with your desktop printer, 54 KB, >>start
mime game - build your own charcters with BILDERFINDER graphics, 73 KB, >>start
fishpond - colour the fishes and listen to their sound, 87 KB, >>start
eggpainter - design and colour the eggs, 36 KB, >>start
BILDERFINDER projects - watch the sketches, 38 KB, >>start
BILDERFINDER flashintro, 74 KB, >>start
biker, 33 KB, >>start
BILDERFINDER shocked by the devil, 30 KB, >>start
german Leidkultur - very sad, 36 KB, >>start
logotype proposals/variations for a pub-sign, 43 KB, >>start
perfect reception here, 38 KB, >>start
nach oben

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